Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reading plan

I tend to make huge "To Read" lists (emphasis on huge) that I never (really) carry through with. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now. But no. I've done it again. However, rather than posting it in its monstrous entirety (allowing you to laugh at me when I fail miserably), I've decided to reveal only three books at a time. Once I finish these three, I will reveal three more. I've organized my list into three columns -- one for a major thinker (Freud, Marx, etc), one for foundational texts of technology/media studies (starting around the beginning of the 20th century), and one for (relatively) contemporary technology/media studies (starting around the beginning of the 21st century). I'll select one text from each column, so that -- hopefully -- my knowledge of general theory, historical developments in technology/media studies, and contemporary technology/media studies will grow as one.

EDIT: I've added a "Theology/Religious Studies" category to the list, making a total of four books to be read at a time.

For now, the theoretical thinker I'm concentrating on is Freud. Even though I've read some of his works for this seminar, I'm going back and starting with a general primer.

Here are the books I'm currently attacking for this project:

How to Read Freud, Joshua Cohen
Course in General Linguistics, Ferdinand De Saussure
Prometheus Wired, Darin Barney
Theology: A Very Short Introduction, David F. Ford

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